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Published Dec 21, 2024 • Last updated 5 hours ago • 5 minute read
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WISH Safe House director Anna Crowe proudly takes care of the ladies and children who come to her facility. This Christmas, that includes a brand new baby.Photo by KAYLE NEIS /Regina Leader-Post
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Little Jackson knows no place safer than WISH Safe House.
Then again, WISH Safe House is the only home he has known.
And while he won’t remember this very special place, it is where he will spend his very first Christmas.
His mom, Sarah, already knows what he is getting from Santa — a baby jumper, befitting an active four-month-old. It is a Christmas gift made possible by donations to the Leader-Post Christmas Cheer Fund.
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WISH Safe House is one of four Regina-area women’s shelters supported by your donations, along with Regina Transition House, YWCA’s Isabel Johnson Shelter and SOFIA House. Your money goes to buy the extras moms and kids need — especially at this time of year.
Jackson came into this world in August — a breached baby, he was a few weeks earlier than expected. He weighed just five pounds.
Sarah had arrived at WISH just a few days earlier — a mom hoping to escape both an abusive relationship and an addiction issue that has resulted in Jackson’s now two-year-old brother being placed in the care of a family member.
“It was actually more of a relief when I got here,” said Sarah, which is not her real name.
Unburdened by fears of her abuser and the notion that she would have no one to safely take her to the hospital when the time came for her baby’s delivery, WISH Safe House has become more than a temporary refuge for Sarah and her little boy over the last few months.
She will remember it as the place where she was given a chance to get clean and start a new life for her family.
“If you had met me a year ago, it would have been a different story,” said Sarah, referring to a time not so long ago when she was still using street drugs. “I was so skinny. You could see my collarbone.”
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Sarah has now just completed her 42-day outpatient program. She looks healthy as she gently kisses her now 10-pound happy son and feeds him a bottle.
“He’s the reason I got sober,” Sarah said. “I didn’t want him to go through the same thing his brother went through.”
This Christmas, Sarah is one of four mothers and 10 children sheltered at WISH. All of them are escaping domestic violence but, like her, many are also escaping a life scarred by addictions.
Yet, all are treated with the utmost respect, kindness and understanding — a hallmark of WISH and its entire staff under the guidance of executive director Anna Crowe.
“Because of the trauma they have been through, they’ve turned to unhealthy lifestyles,” Crowe explained. “They have all been terrific. I don’t know how things would get done around here without them (pitching in) …
“They deserve our respect.”
Crowe always refers to the tenants as “the ladies’” and speaks glowingly of how hard they work at not only their own recoveries but also simply helping with meals and keeping the shelter in its always immaculate state.
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Some may only stay for a day or two but others such as the current “ladies” remain for multiple weeks, getting help with counselling, life skills and, like Sarah, getting into drug addiction programs.
It is more than a shelter. It is home and it is very much a family.
At WISH Safe House this Christmas, there’s excitement over not only the moms’ recoveries but also picking out the exact right gift for the little ones.
For Jackson’s very first Christmas gift, it’s the baby jumper that Sarah proudly picked for him.
For Joshua — a boy with Down syndrome whose mother is one of the other “ladies” — it’s a gift he picked out of a Canadian Tire flyer: a set of headphones.
“He makes us laugh,” WISH childcare co-ordinator Julie McMillan said of the happy 12-year-old boy who loves to dance.
Little Jackson won’t remember that first gift or where he spent his first Christmas, but WISH Safe House is a very special place that makes lives better.
The Leader-Post would like to thank the following who generously donated so that Joshua would get his headphones and Jackson would get his first Christmas present:
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Majestics Car Club Of Regina Inc. $16,000
Sexton Family of Companies Inc. $2,125
NOD Bunco $150
Wanda Walter $50
Sharon Kosior and Reg Taylor $200
Donna Mccudden (in honour of C.E. Knauft) $100
Gary Kadin $50
Cal and Patty Kelly $500
Patty Kelly $25
Irish Club of Regina $500
Clifford Baylak $400
Jim Engel $110
Joan, Peter and Kevin $150
Dianne and Rob Fehr $200
Duncanson, Chuck and Lynn $200
Russell and Sheila Hart $500
Marilyn Trobiak (in memory of Wally Trobiak) $60
Donna and Barry Wilde $200
Wenda Cross (in memory of Don and Bessie Cross) $200
Rod Steffan (in memory of my wife, Audrey Steffan) $100
Gaylene Diekrager $100
Anonymous (in memory of James Stephenson) $200
Mary Lu and Bill King $100
Janet Galger (in memory of Bob) $60
Bruce Crump $50
Rob Vanstone, Chryssoula Filippakopoulos and Candy (in memory of Jim Hopson) $50
Gayle Toth $100
Brenda and Dale Weisbrot (Calgary) $100
Lori Edwards $200
Gordon and Julie Dillon $300
Bev Bradshaw $300
Wayne and Anita Clifton $300
Eugene and Pat Kalenchuk $50
Charlotte Hendren, Don, Kevin, Nathan and Lauren (in memory of Jim Hendren) $200
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Christine Berg $100
Yvonne Warnes (in honour of Bob Warnes) $500
Anita Jadischke $100
Probus Regina (excess funds from the Probus Regina Sparkle Tour held on Dec. 9, 2024) $250
Janice Pillipow $100
Fred Sidaway $100
Peggy and Murray Hogan $200
Rod McKendrick $200
The 12 Days of Christmas Westhill Ladies Group $375
Noreen Steeves and Drew Tiefenbach $200
Darline Artemchuk $100
George Rosenau (in memory of Lynne) $100
Don and Leanne Black $500
Margo Embury (in memory of John Embury and Bob Turgeon) $200
Cliff Walker (in memory of my sisters, Roberta Mireau and Harriet Greenhow) $100
Westminster Church Anniversary Unit $120
Elaine Yeomans $400
Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada $250
Anonymous (in memory of Thelma Postnikoff) $100
Anonymous $11,810
GRAND TOTAL: $87,662
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