Brits were today urged to be aware of the potentially deadly impact winter bugs can have on their driving, amid high levels of cold and flu cases.
While driving while ill may seem harmless, it could pose significant risks to yourself and others, experts say.
Data has also suggested that driving when infected with a winter virus could lead to a 10 per cent reduction in reaction time — similar to downing a double whisky before getting behind the wheel.
It’s also equivalent to travelling an extra 7.5 feet when making a sudden stop at 70mph, which could make huge difference to the outcome of an accident.
In the warning issued by car finance website and Abbas Kanani, a pharmacist at Chemist Click, being unwell with the flu or even the common cold can lead to general issues like fatigue and dizziness making driving hazardous, they said.
Even relatively mild symptoms, like sneezing, can be dangerous as people can involuntarily shut their eyes.
A driver who sneezes while going at 70mph will effectively be blind for about 100ft, for example.
Additionally, many flu and cold remedies make people drowsy which is why people are urged to avoid driving while on them.
Being unwell with a bug like the flu or even the common cold puts your body under duress, leading to general issues like fatigue and dizziness that can make driving hazardous. Stock image
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Studies have found driving while infected with a winter virus led to a 10 per cent reduction in reaction time, similar to downing a double whisky before getting behind the wheel
Mr Kanani said: ‘Flu symptoms such as fatigue and aches and pains can affect your concentration levels, as well as your reactive skills which could put you at risk of an accident.
‘Typically, you should wait until you have had no fever for at least 24 hours and your symptoms are improving before leaving the house.’
A British study published in 2012, which tested the impact of a cold on driving ability, also found it was equivalent to drunk driving.
Writing in the journal BMJ Open, researchers said: ‘The slowing of reaction times associated with having a cold is comparable to effects of known hazards, such as consumption of a dose of alcohol that would lead to a ban from driving (80 mg alcohol/100 ml blood).
A separate analysis, carried by out by Lloyds TSB Insurance, estimated that more than 125,000 car accidents in Great Britain were caused by drivers who had a cold or the flu.
Driving while ill isn’t a specific offence in Britain, but warned it’s better to be safe than sorry.
‘While driving whist ill isn’t a crime by itself, if an accident occurs and it is determined that illness played a role, drivers can face penalties, points on their license, or even prosecution for dangerous driving,’ they said.
As such they recommend people who suffering from flu and cold and need to travel to consider alternatives such as using public transport or asking a friend or family member for a ride.
Flu and cold season in the UK is considered to peak between December and March.
Britain has experienced a rough flu season with NHS data showing almost 4,000 beds alone were taken up by flu patients every day in England in the week ending January 19.
While this was a fall on the previous week, it still stands at more than double the level recorded last year.
Monitoring data from the UK Health Security Agency also found 17.5 per cent of patients with respiratory illnesses tested in hospital were positive for the flu in week ending January 19, compared to 21 per cent the week prior.